pcDuino3 is Arriving! So what’s new with it?

Geposted von Adam Wang am

We’re thrilled to announce that pcDuino3 is now arriving! So, what is to be expected with this newest version of 2014?Here we’d like to share with you a detailed comparison of the features of pcDuino V2 and pcDuino3. Items pcDuino V2 pcDuino3 CPU AllWinner A10 SoC, 1GHz ARM Cortex A8 AllWinner A20 SoC, 1GHz ARM Cortex A7 Dual Core GPU OpenGL ES2.0, OpenVG 1.1, Mali 400 OpenGL ES2.0, OpenVG 1.1, Mali 400 Dual Core DRAM 1GB 1GB Onboard Storage 4GB...


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