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YoungMakers movement powered by SainSmart


"Daddy, how does a computer work?"

Curiosity and creativity are the greatest gifts of kids. They are eager to learn. Learn how a computer works, learn how one can make a robot, or learn how one can build mobile applications. The best answer to those questions is probably to give them the tools to discover by themselves.

SainSmart products have been used by tens of thousands of adults for developing and programming, so why not by kids? How to turn SainSmart into leaning tools for kids?

Charles Gantt, Owner of, offered SainSmart a chance to make it possible.

Charles wrote to us proposing the idea that SainSmart sponsor a youth outreach program called YoungMakers in Greater Augusta, GA, a STEM program for youth, organized by and supported by HackAugusta and

On hearing this, our CEO said, “The open source community has reached a large group of universities and hobbyists. Always adhering to our business philosophy of ‘Profit is Vanity, Quality is Sanity’, SainSmart has happily seen this community grow from grass roots to a well-established organization of true enthusiasts and hobbyists. We are here to make the tools more affordable to adults, and reachable to these lovely young makers. And we would like to work together on developing some educational kits in the future." So the sponsorship was approved without question.

As requested, we offered them with 10 SainSmart UNO R3 servo starter kits and some sensors and relays.


On November 17, we received messages from Charles and Ed Elser about the success on this program. And we also found the news on


SainSmart is anticipating the next Quin Etnyre will come out from the Young Makers program in a near future.

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