Posted by SainSmart on

Gather ‘round SainSmart fans, we have an exciting new announcement this month. Following the success of, we felt it was time to expand our reach to the world of retail. For us, Micro Center was an obvious choice. It is the type of store we shop at ourselves, and many of their products align with the interests of our customers, making this partnership a no-brainer. Currently SainSmart is offering 1000 products on the shelves at all Micro Center locations. We recently took a trip from our Lenexa office to a nearby Micro Center to take a look for ourselves.



Moment of truth


Seeing your products on the shelves of a major electronics retailer is a cool experience. Until now, SainSmart was an exclusively online format, meaning you weren’t going to see our products unless you went to We hope this new partnership with Micro Center gives our customers a convenient new way to shop.


8 Channel Signal Relay at Micro Center


Although our current Micro Center lineup reflects only a small portion of SainSmart products, we are more than pleased to have these products on the shelves and are looking to expand in the future. As always, we value the input from our community and would love to hear your feedback regarding our recent partnership. What is it you would like to see from us at your local Micro Center?

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