SIGLENT EASYALL --- seamless connection for Siglent oscilloscope, arbitrary waveform generator, and programmable power supply

Posted by SainSmart on

SIGLENT EASYALL --- seamless connection for Siglent oscilloscope, arbitrary waveform generator, and programmable power supply

Forward: Usually, Siglent digital oscilloscope receives the signal, which Siglent function generator outputs. That is a kind of communication with the single direction. Is there any method to make oscilloscope output to waveform generator?  Now, it is available to use SIGLENT EASYALL to offer the communication platform for Siglent oscilloscope, function generator, and programmable power supply. They exchange the data through SIGLENT EASYALL. Key words: SIGLENT, OSICLLOSCOPE, FUNCTION GENERATOR, AND PROGRAMMABLE POWER SUPPLY How do they communicate and exchange the...


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